Shining Fates was released in mid-February 2021. It is also part of the expansion of the Galar region of the original Pokemon game. This series consists of over 190 cards, out of which a minimum of a hundred shiny cards and at least 20 special V or Vmax cards were present. Here, we will list out some of the most expensive Shining Fates cards that were released.

10 Most Expensive Shining Fates Card List Price

The Shining Fates card list price is as follows: 

  1. Thwackey (reverse holo) 35$
  2. Frosmoth (reverse holo) 36$
  3. Drednaw 36$
  4. Professor Research 36$
  5. Morpeko 39$
  6. Hatterene 44$
  7. Yamper 44$
  8. Skyla 52$
  9. Suicune 53$
  10. Charizard Vmas 159$

You can also search their prices on different sites present. 

Charizard Vmax

Coming in on top of the list of Shining Fates’ best cards is the famous Charizard VMax. This card is of high value because the Charizard is present in shiny form (Shiny Pokémon card) and it is illustrated gigantically to emphasize its strength.

Other qualities of this Pokémon include: 

Evolution: This Pokémon has evolved from Charizard V. 

Symbol or type: It has a symbol of fire present. 

Abilities: Its abilities include 3 stars ‘Claw Slash’ which can damage its enemies to up to 100x and a very strong ‘G-Max Wildfire’ that can burn its enemies to 300x. 

HP: It has 330 HP. 

Retreating: Its retreating power is up to 3 stars. 

Value: Each card can value up to 159$.


Coming in next on the list of Shining Fates’ best cards is Skyla which is a trainer card. Although a trainer card is rarely valued this much, even when trainer cards play a crucial role in the entire gameplay. Skyla is famous as it allows players to search their deck. Further on Skyla is present in full art ultra rare form (and upper version of rare Pokémon cards) form which allows it to become a premium card for the deck. 

Evolution: This card has not evolved from anything 

Symbol or type: It is a supporter card. 

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Abilities: Allows to duffle deck 

HP: It has no HP. 

Retreating: It has no retreating power.

Value: Each card can value up to 59$.


Also known as Shiny Suicune Holo Rare, this Pokémon was resurrected from the legendary Pokémon of Suicune, Raquaza, etc Belonging to the second generation of those legendary Pokémon, making it hold up its value. If this card wasn’t related to them, it wouldn’t have been one of the most expensive Shining Fates cards. 

Evolution: This Pokémon has not evolved from any Pokémon. It is the initial stage.

Symbol or type: It has a symbol of water present. 

Abilities: Its abilities include 1 star ‘Water splash’ which can damage its enemies to up to 20x and a very strong ‘Aurora Loop’ that can damage its enemies to 130x.  It can also purify filthy waters. 

HP: It has 120HP. 

Retreating: Its retreating power is up to 1 star. 

Value: Each card can value up to 53$.


Coming in next in our top 10 shining fates cards is Yamper. This Pokémon resembles a corgi dog. And has a very loving and playful nature. Pokémon admirers love this Pokémon. As this is very playful and hard to catch, it becomes one of the most valuable shining fates cards. 

Evolution: This Pokémon has not evolved from any Pokémon. It is in its initial stages. 

Symbol or type: It has a symbol of electrical present. 

Abilities: Its abilities include a 1-star ‘roar’ and a 1-star ‘static shock’  while playing ‘fetch ball’ amongst its enemies.  

HP: It has 70HP. 

Retreating: Its retreating power is up to 1 star. 

Value: Each card can value up to 44$.


Coming in next on our list of most valuable shining fates cards is Hatterene. This Pokémon has reached this list because of how beautifully illustrated it is. Many Pokémon admirers believe this card to be a piece of perfectly defined art.

Evolution: This Pokémon has evolved from Hattrem. This is its second stage. 

Symbol or type: It has a symbol of an eye (psychic)  present. 

See also  Gold Foil Pokemon Cards Value

Abilities: Its abilities include ‘Mind Hat’ and with its psychic ‘dripping grudge’  its enemies won’t even see it coming. 

HP: It has 150HP. 

Retreating: Its retreating power is up to 2-stars. 

Resistance: If has a resistance of -30 against fist fight Pokémon’s 

Value: Each card can value up to 44$


Making it to our best shining fates cards is Shiny Morpeko. Although this Pokémon may look like a small baby, but it is highly known for switching its mode. The two modes are a ‘hangry mode’ where this Morpeko goes wild because of hunger, and another mode, the full belly mode where the Pokémon stays calm.

Evolution: This Pokémon has not evolved from any Pokémon. This is its initial stage. 

Symbol or type: It has a symbol of electrical present. 

Abilities: Its abilities include 1-star ‘Torment’ which can damage its enemies to up to 20 and a very strong ‘spark’ that can burn its enemies to 50. 

HP: It has 80HP. 

Retreating: Its retreating power is up to 1 star. 

Value: Each card can value up to 39$.

Professor Research a trainer card

Belonging to one of Shining Fate’s best cards is a supporter card.

Evolution: This Pokémon has not evolved from any Pokemon. 

Symbol or type: It has a sign of a supporter present. 

Abilities: The player can draw 7 cards 

HP: No HP valid. 

Retreating: No retreating power. 

Resistance: No resistance. 

Value: Each card can value up to 36$.


Coming in next to our top 10 shining fates cards is Drednaw. One of the main reasons for this Pokémon’s popularity is that it was present in the anime.

Although it may not be as popular as the other Pokémon such as Pikachu and Charizard, it still is to be valued may more than other basic Pokemon. The overall appearance of this Pokémon is like a turtle with a rock shell.

Evolution: This Pokémon has evolved from Chewtle. 

Symbol or type: It has a symbol of water present. 

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Abilities: Its abilities include 2 stars ‘Vise’ which can damage its enemies to up to 60+ and a very strong ‘Jaw Lock’ that can harm its enemies to 130x. 

HP: It has 330HP. 

Retreating: Its retreating power is up to 3 stars. 

Value: Each card can value up to 36$.

Frosmoth (reverse holo)

Coming in next on our list of Shining Fates’ best cards is Frosmoth (reverse Holo). This Pokémon is famous because of its holographic appearance which makes it exciting for Pokémon admirers to own this card.

Evolution: This Pokémon has evolved from Snom. 

Symbol or type: It has a symbol of water present. 

Abilities: Its abilities include ‘Ice Dance’ which can damage its enemies, and a very strong ‘Aurora Beam’ that can harm its enemies up to 30x. 

HP: It has  90 HP. 

Retreating: Its retreating power is up to 2 stars. 

Value: Each card can value up to 36$.

Thwackey (reverse holo) 

Another one of our most expensive shining fates cards is Thwackey. Thwackey is famous because it is also present in its holographic form.

The overall appearance and holographic presence on the card make it more appealing and admirable. Further on, it is also famous because of its existence in the Anime.

Evolution: This Pokémon has evolved from Grookey. 

Symbol or type: It has a symbol of grass present. 

Abilities: Its ability to ‘lat of the land’ benefits to damage its enemies. Further on, its ‘Branch Poke’ can harm its enemies up to 20x. It usually pokes sticks at its enemies. 

HP: It has 90 HP. 

Retreating: Its retreating power is up to 2 stars. 

Value: Each card can value up to 35$.


Now, after you open your pack of Shining Fates, you will know if your cards are valuable enough to be on the 10 most expensive Shining Fates cards list. And if you want to buy one of these best shining fates cards you will have knowledge of how much you should spend.